Sunday, March 31, 2019
Change Management at Netflix
channelize Management at NetflixOrganizations That Manage Change Well NetflixsConstant EvolutionThe yet constant in life is multifariousness, a quote by the philosopher Heraclitus in 400 B.C.E remains true to sidereal day (Graham, 2007). Whether it be in response to a major event or discoin truth that shakes an ecesiss core function, or simply in accordance to additive transformations, spay is inevitable for all told make-ups. While some brass instruments experience the pressures of change more than of ten-spot than others, all presidential terms must recognize, anticipate, and envision for external change forces, as intumesce as set by internal organisational changes to remain relevant and competitive in some(prenominal) given industry or field (Chou, 2011). Leaders of geological formations must rate the industry in which their organization operates within and apply their findings to anticipate possible major changes to minimize disruption, as well(p) as seek mo d practices and technologies to increase productiveness, effectiveness, and boilers suit performance. The adapt force and allow foringness to change is a alliances superior competitive advantage. For all organizations, change is a vital and ongoing process, which if enforced and managed correctly, al brokens an organization to evolve with modern changes and remain winnerful within their field. beingness adjustable and ready for change is a political partys greatest competitive advantage when operating in todays the fast and constantly changing global marketplace (Anderson, 1991). This increased presence of change must be met by highly skilled and organized leaders who use methods and strategies to winningly manage changes and their implications (Chou, 2001). One ships beau monde that has gained and maintained hoi polloi success imputable to their adaptability and forward-thinking methods is Netflix United States most popular internet float attend to.With over 109 m illion users,in over190 countries around the world, stream more than 125 millionhours of TV shows and movies float per day as of 2017, Netflix is theworlds leading internet entertainment subscription blow portion. The blow suffice offers users the ability to stream network and original televisionseries, documentaries, and peculiarity fool a instructions. The gain allows members to watchas much as they want, when they want, and where they want with service accesson nearly anyinternet-connectedscreen. Members atomic number 18 able to play, geological fault and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments (Netflix,2016). The company was founded by Reed battle of Hastings and Marc Randolph in Septemberof 1997 in Scotts Valley, California. The now tenth enormousst internet companywhen based on revenue, began as a DVD letting by mail delivery service and has elapsed to change and adapt its stage business line models and according strategies toexternal and interna l factors ever since its startup (Netflix, 2016). Change has the contentednessto better an organization or demise of it. When change is handled and managed successfully,success and outlet will result. Netflixs success, and blockbusters eventualdemise be examples of how organizations offering akin(predicate) products and servicescan either thrive or fail in the face of external technological and industrialchanges. During Netflixs initial years of operation, both Netflix andBlockbuster offered physical hard simulate movie rentals. Blockbuster, which had seamlesslysurvived the change from VHS to DVD technology, provided its services by meansof sell locations where costumers could browse movie options on shelves, institutetheir selection, and pay the initial requital based on various factors such as howrecently the film was released, or how many nights the customer esteemed to rentit for. Originally, Netflix used a similar business model as Blockbuster,basing their services o n pay per rental basis, hardly rather than having retaillocations, Netflix customers would go to the companys website to make theirrental selection, that would then be mailed to the customers home. However, later a short initial trial of this original method and receiving leave outlusterresponse, Netflix introduced a subscription feature to its business model.Subscription members could rent a movie, keep it for n angiotensin-converting enzymetheless long they wishedor return it to rent a nonher for one monthly fee allowing members to rent asmany movies as they wished for one strict price (Lotz, 2017). The distinguishableiationthis pee-peed between the two companies business models began Netflixs successin the industry and its domination over its indirect competitors, such as Blockbuster.Blockbuster was heavily dependent on revenues generated from hefty late fees to compose a large portion of their revenue as part of their business model. Netflixcould charge less for their s ervices, and eliminate late fees from theirbusiness model delinquent to their decreased cost of operations. Netflixs consumer-friendlymodel of no late fees, low cost and wide media selection overpowered theimmediate convenience of going to a corner store to pick up a movie for a nightfor many consumers (Satel, 2014). By April of 2003, Netflix had kitchen rangeed onemillion subscribers. Blockbuster launched its response to Netflixs competitivethreat by implementing an online unlimited rental subscription service for thefixed price of $19.99 per month in August of 2004, hardly by this clock Netflix hadalready established its place and customer base in the market, impeding onBlockbusters venture effectiveness (Satel, 2014). Netflixs initial DVDrental by mail delivery service began stealing market sh be in theentertainment industry, respectively due to its adaptable business model to fita niche consumer need. However, Netflix deliver the goodsd the success that it has today byanti cipating and adapting to a major upcoming change that was recognized at thetime of its founding. This massive change was the internet and its possibly boundless capabilities. Netflixs founder, Reed Hastings, stated that heoriginally dubbed his company the identify Netflix because even in 1998 he had recognizedthe potential of the world-wide web. Reed one day he expected, and hoped, thathis company would be offering DVD rentals by means of an online streamingservice, therefore he wanted to name the company something that complied withits eventual fate (, 2009). Netflix was created at the time of thewide spread word spirit of the DVD, founders of the company, Reed and Marc, eventested their initial mailing DVD service idea by mailing a CD-Rom back tothemselves because they did non yet own an actual DVD. The founders expectedthat just like VHS DVDs would be around for a long time, but anticipated andprepargond for the day that they were not. The companys name and its or igin highlighthow Netflix as an organization was not only ready for change disruption, butwaiting for it from the very beginning.In 2007, Netflix launchedthe companys online streaming service. Subscribers were mute able to continuemail order DVD rentals, but could overly stream a limited number of hours online all for the fixed monthly subscription price (Huffington Post, 2015). Thiswas the result due to the change of procurable technology and consumer wants.Just like ten years before when the switch was made from VHS to DVD, the nextchange was ensuing. This was the credence and availability of high speedinternet and portable computers capable of streaming media. In 2010, Netflixbegan expanding into the global markets. The company first expanded intoCanada, then in 2011 moved into various other countries around the world (Lotz,2017). Competition rapidly ensued, not only were other online s grouping servicesbecoming available and more widely utilized, such as Hulu and Amazon Pri me Video,but television networks were also beginning to offer online streamingsubscription services, as streaming services had enabled consumers to cancel ordecrease their cable packages while still enjoying media entertainment, just ata lower cost. To maintain and grow their market share and customer base,Netflix began to produce original and scoopful content in the form of series,movies featuring popular actors, and documentaries. Netflix could produce smashhits for their customers because they created shows based on what their users like to watch. By using their own websites analytics of what theirmembers were watching, for how long, when they stopped watching a series ormovie, and more. For example, 70% of media being streamed on Netflix by itsusers are television series (, 2009). These observations helped themto produce highly rated, award winning exclusive series, which helped Netflixto keep their existing members and gain new-made subscribers. Since online streami ngsubscriptions have a very low switching cost for users, it was vital thatNetflix recognized this potential threat and adapted their practices inaccordance (Investopedia, 2016). Although not seamlesslyachieved, Netflix has gained and maintained its enormous amount of success as anonline streaming entertainment subscription service by constantly reinventingitself in accordance to changes in technology, regulation, and consumer wants all while also creating and pioneering changes within their industry to meetand anticipate the needs of the stakeholder (Management Help, n.d.). This hasbeen achieved by having adaptable and separate business models for eachbusiness function, each with their own strategy. These organisational changeswould not have successfully occurred without the proper internal implementation,and management of change. create mentally the best strategic and tactical plans isessential for success, but cannot be achieved without an in-depth discretionof the human side of change management. This refers to the alignment of thecompanys culture, values, doingss and raft to encourage the desiredresults. Managing change is a complex,dynamic, and challenging process (Mabey, 1993). It is neer a choice betweentechnological or people-oriented solutions, but a combination of both (Bullman,2000). Effective change has beencharacterized as unfreezing old behaviors, introducing new ones, andre-freezing the new (Mosca, 2011). Successful organizational change begins atthe top. An organizations leaders and upper management must have a expel andconcise understanding of the change that is occurring and be able to clearly supply it. In measure of change and uncertainty, all eyes go to theorganizations leaders for strength and direction. Leaders must be adjust with one another andmoving in the same direction towards the cat valium goal. Next, the case for thechange must be clearly laid out. A clear explanation of what changes will occurand why they are requis ite must be communicated to each layer within theorganization. In times of change, it is essential for all members of theorganization to know what is expected of them so that feelings of riskand confusion, feelings which can lead to resistance to and denunciation of thechange, can be calmed. A muckle ofvarious factors are associated with reverse rates when it comes to succeedingin change management. Even if change is endorsed by management, anill-conceived implementation plan, lack of commitment from an organizationsleaders, and limited utilization or integrating of already existing systems andprocesses within the organization can lead to the failure to accept and adaptto organizational changes (Mariotti, 1998). Another important aspectof successful change management is knowing the values that matter to theorganization and the overall goals the organization wants to achieve. Focusingon reacting to those opportunities for change relevant to overall organizationalgoals, as oppose d to reacting to every invitation for change, helps companiesto make smart and practical decisions (Mosca, 2011). callable to globalization andoverall resource development, new forces and opportunities for change areoccurring more rapidly than ever, it is important to develop responses andproactive actions that align according to an organizations, or theirstakeholders needs (Bataldon, 1998). Constant change with a lack of reasoningleads to negative organizational performance, as unnecessary change is a drainon company resources, including financial, and human alike. Largeorganizations, which employ a high number of employees, will not perform asthey contract exceedingly bureaucratic. As stated by Steiner, organizations thatare known to be bureaucratized and hierarchical are less flexible, and lesswilling to change, as well as less likely to empower their staff (Steiner,2001). Organizations will not get full value from their employees if theyinsist that employees do only what they are told. at that placefore, leaders must learnhow to manage change, to move forward with successfully. There is no onebest way to manage change in an organization. Organizations mustintroduce approaches to organizational change which matches their specificneeds, and requirements (Mosca, 2011)Netflix as anorganization has demonstrated their capabilities of successful changemanagement based on their multitude of major changes evident throughout thecompanys existence. Netflix has been able to achieve this by their unique andsomewhat unprecedented organizational culture. Netflix, although a largeorganization with nearly five thousand employees (Statista, 2016), is not a veritable(prenominal) industrial pixilated, which is what many of todays traditionalorganizational system and practices are based on, but rather is a creativefirm. The residual between the two is substantial industrial firms thriveon reducing variation, or reducing errors, while creative firms thrive by change mag nitude variation, as stated by the companys founder and live CEO, ReedHastings (McCord, 2015). Due to this difference of firm variety, Netflix mustcreate and adhere to different organizational methods relevant to their newerand less common elan of business creative. Netflixs core culture concept isbased on open and honest communication between all levels and in every aspectof the firms function. Netflix does not have set holiday policies, ratherthey encourage employees to decide their own appropriate amount of vacation, whenthey wish to take it and communicate this to their managers. To encourageemployees to utilize this policy, upper management is boost to set a precedentby taking vacation time themselves and communicating that to their employees.The CEO even reportedly taking four different week-long vacations in 2015. However,this concept is also protected from abuse by Netflixs next major culturefeature. This is the notion of their compensation method. Results are rewarded, but effort producing no result is not. If an employee, although at one time washighly valuable and well liked, no longer fits Netflixs changing needs,they will be given an honest explanation and very generous breakage package.Netflix has found that by focusing on building the best team by having the besttalent has enabled them to continue to adapt and evolve as a company. Once anemployee can no longer benefit the company, they are able to bring in newtalent to keep company moving forward. Employees of Netflix understand thisconcept upon being hired, which is why almost all severed employees areunderstanding and accepting of their termination. Netflix believes in trustingin the hired talent to complete the given tasks in the best way the talent seesfit. Netflix giving their employees the freedom of autonomy allows forflexibility, and innately eliminates the issues resulting from bureaucratic orhierarchical structure, something that can often arise in a firm of Netflixssize (Mosca, 2 011). Netflix found that by replacing rules withtransparency, accountability, and trust, overall productivity and performanceimproves, and expenses decrease. Netflix believes in hiring good, talentedpeople letting common sense and acting in the best interest of the companyguide employee behavior (McCord, 2015). Due to new technology,regulatory changes, societal or stakeholder expectations, as well as competitors rule-driven organizations, operating within a rapidly changing industry, areunable to keep up with the constant adaption required to gain or remainsuccessful, losing customers and market share to those organizations that dohave the capability to evolve. Netflix maintains its ability to change throughits organizational culture concept freedom and responsibility. The companyinvests in hiring the best possible talent, and rewards high-performer weeding out continuous, unimproved low performers.ReferencesGraham, D. W. (2007, February 08).Heraclitus. 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E.H. Sutherland: White Collar Crime
E.H. Sutherland uncontaminating Collar CrimeWhat atomic number 18 more than or less of the psyche elements of E.H. Sutherlands contribution to the register of innocence ruff shame? What atomic number 18 more or less of the limitations? What factors confabulatem to pack contributed to Sutherlands interest in ashen mite aversion and to the relative disinterest of virtu everyy other criminologists?E.H. Sutherland is widely considered the most of import contributor to Ameri rear end criminology in the nations history. Among his m each contributions, Sutherland is credited with coining the term uninfected nail detestation, formulating the possibility of differential association, and contributing extensively to the study and verbal expression of laws concerning sexual psychopaths (Friedrichs, 2007). Sutherland differentiated himself from other professionals of his time because rather than cerebrateing his perspirations on explaining lower-class illegality, he soug ht to offer guidance and understanding on the criminality of middle-and upper-class masses.Among Sutherlands inspirations was the work of E.A. Ross (1907) Sin and Society An Analysis of last mentioned Day Iniquity (Geis and Goff 1987).the criminaloid the occupation slice who act exploitative, if non necessarily il level-headed, acts out of an uninhibited desire to maximize clams, all the while hiding merchantman a faade of respectability and piety. Ross regarded these criminaloids as guilty of moral impassibility and held them directly responsible for unnecessary deaths of consumers and workers.Building on the research of Ross and others in the criminology field, Sutherland formulated his theory of differential association. He came to believe that his theory of differential association, which attributed criminality to a learning process, was precisely the type of familiar theory that could usefully explain both lower-class and upper-class curse (Friedrichs, 2007).The pr imary recorded use of the term clear collar crime was in Sutherlands landmark book entitled, White Collar Crime (1939). The book brings to the pass the prevalence of criminal activity in around of the erectst companies in the country. White Collar Crime focuses on the 70 largest U.S. manufacturing, mining, and mer stick outtile flocks with respect to the legal finishs a agnizest them and the pervasiveness of immoral and frustrate business practices in the corporations (Friedrichs, 2007). Sutherlands research showed that 97% of the corporations were recidivists. That is, when they were caught and punished, they committed more crime. That comp ars to 50% or so of the individuals who commit new crime after being released from prison (Friedrichs, 2007 p. 2). In his book, Sutherland flierd that corporate officials snarl contempt for the law, and didnt hope laws to be passed to control their calumnious behavior they didnt want the laws en hauld and they didnt want to be punishe d personally if caught (Friedrichs, 2007).Although Sutherlands book and theories were seen as an important step in the right direction in toll of recognizing sinlessness collar crime and emphasizing the need for its enforcement, his theories did control some limitations. Among the shortcomings was his general label of uninfected collar crime to all crimes concerning a corporation. Sutherland failed to differentiate between the crime done by whiten-collar employees against the corporation, and the crime done by the corporation acting as an individual society (Young, 1989). Friedrichs (2007) listed several other shortcomingsSutherland all overemphasized an individualistic framework (and hearty-psychological factors) and largely ignored arrogate onionate structural factors (e.g., capitalism, profit rates, and business cycles). He failed to make clear-cut distinctions among white collar crimes, and he did not adequately appreciate the cultivate of corporations over the legis lative and regulatory processes.Which social developments may wee contributed to a social performance against white collar crime, and which factors continue to act as constraints against any such movement? at that place have been a number of factors in the last century which have contributed to a social movement against white collar crime. The stock market crash of 1929 marked the start of the commodious Depression and a renewed assault on the illegal activities of corrupt businesses, corporations, and politicians a beat the country. During this time of great suffering and unemployment by millions, the horrid business practices of many corporations were seen as being unethical. Many of these corporations formed their business models that were touch on profit at the expense of the workers, customers, and the country. Awareness of WCC and the public movement against it really came to the forefront again during the nineteen-seventies. The seventies saw a slump in public confidence of elected officials and businesses alike because of events such as the Vietnam War, the Watergate crimes of the Nixon White House, and some amply-profile cases of corporate misconduct (Friedrichs, 2007).The biggest factor in my view, which has contributed to ken and action against WCC, is the give-and-take media, and the Internet. Im not necessarily speaking of the nightly news shows of the networks which were the norm in the seventies, eighties, even into the mid-nineties. Im talking just roughly the explosion of short letter news and the Internet which provides 24 hr sources of news and entropy to the public. The round the clock pur courtship by citizenry to gather instruction on important topics and beat another network to the story has led to the husking and release of more important stories and development to the public than ever before.TV personalities and investigative shows such as Bill OReilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Dateline, and 60 minutes, and others mak e it their accusation to uncover blatant abuses of power and illegal activity that domiciliate put on citizens around the country. These private citizens with the backing of their networks often uncover information that leads to criminal action taken against individuals, corporations, and politicians. The bottom line is that when citizens are made certain of the corruption and other abuses by goodly race or businesses, they have the power to (and often does) speak out. When citizens speak out, their elected officials should take note as should law enforcement. This chain of events is often the primary factor track to arrests and convictions for acts of white collar crime and other similar instances of fraud, waste, and abuse.The advent of the Internet, cellular phones, and twenty-four hour cable news allows for instant nark to information. plurality whoremaster talk, text, email, and fax information around the globe in an instant. The information flow allows us to search f or nearly anything at anytime. This accessibility to information has made more people aware of the manner and frequency in which businesses, politicians, and others have ab apply their positions of trust and authority in tack to gain pecuniaryly at the expense of others. In the last decade but the United States has seen some of the biggest companies abide by crashing down because of deceitful business practices knowing to mislead the general public and help the company profit. Companies such as Enron, Adelphia, AOL/Time Warner, and WorldCom (to name a few) are prime examples of companies who have cooked their books to lead on consumers, investors, and the government (Patsuris, 2002).Despite the many factors which work against white collar crime, at that place bequeath always be those corrupt individuals and companies who will seek to profit illegally through lies, deceit, and trickery. These powerful individuals use their wealth and positions of power to influence public off icials into looking the other way or passing laws to returns their interests. This is the biggest hindrance to stamping out white collar crime. The ability of the rich and powerful to corrupt public officials has and will continue to be the driving force which allows this type of illegal behavior to continue.Identify the principal agents who bump white collar crime in contemporary society. What factors motivate people to expose such crime, and what factors inhibit them from doing so? What specific policy measures thunder mug be adopted to encourage exposure of white collar crime?In regards to high level or corporate white collar crime the most presumable method of exposure will come from an stinkpot or whistle-blower from within the business or institution itself. remote sources can contribute to investigations by husking or suspecting wrong doing. Often, these sources will come from the media, consumers, or concerned citizens.The informer will promising be an insider in the company who is involved in the criminal activity in some way. In return for their cooperation with law enforcement, the informer will likely seek compensation of one form or another, they may be given promises of leniency, immunity from prosecution, or a financial advantage (Friedrichs, 2007). some other company insider who is a vital source of information to investigators is Whistle Blowers. These individuals are crucial sources of information needed for the detection, and ultimately the prosecution of many white collar crimes, especially when they are of the governmental and corporate varieties. Another crude perpetrator of white collar crime and also important players in exposing it is through politicians and other elected officials. These officials are generally closely connected with business and community leaders who commit the majority of white collar crime, and as a result may be subject to the allure of money and power.Other sources which can be of assistance in uncov ering instances of white collar crime are from the media, particularly investigative journalists. inquiring journalism can be a pain staking, time consuming, and valuable process. Because of the expense and resources necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation, many smaller newspapers or topical anesthetic television stations are reluctant or unable to sign up them (Friedrichs, 2007). Bigger TV networks or newspapers with strong financial backing and high subscribership or viewers are now the most likely people to break these stories of white collar criminals, particularly when they involve elected officials.There are a number of factors which ultimately govern a persons decision to expose their employers activities, or in many cases deter them from doing so. Some come forward because of their need for self-preservation, or for other altruistic reasons. They may be afraid they will be harmed either financially or forciblely due to the illegal actions of the person or company , or they can olfactory sensation a moral sense to do what is right. The resembling logic holds genuine for not coming forward, due to fear of reprisal and potential for lost income, joke, or physical retaliation or intimidation (Friedrichs, 2007).There can be a number of changes and improvements made to federal and state statutes in order to encourage people to come forward and expose acts of white collar crime. One of the most important and logical measures would be to provide financial protection for a person, because they will likely suffer greatly if they mother an informant against their own company. They will likely have to quit their job or be let go. They will lose pay and put themselves and their family through a great deal of stress if the case is yearn and drawn out in court. I empathise there are regulations in place that provide a whistleblower with a reward of a percentage of the judgment against a company or corporation (Friedrichs, 2007). These laws should be applied to many more cases and when possible the person providing the information should be subsidized during the trial to help them with their bills in return for their assistance. These are just a couple of the general ways in which people can be encouraged to come forward and expose white collar crime.What are some of the specific challenges in studying white collar crime relative to the study of established crime? raft white collar crime be studied scientifically, or does it posit a different approach?White collar crime is ofttimes more difficult to study and investigate than traditional or schematic crime. WCC is generally not openly blatant like most naturalized criminal activity. An officer can walk into a crime scene, see a badly beaten body and know with near certainty that a crime occurred. The same does not hold true if that same officer walks into an office and sees a man in a suit sitting at a desk typing on a computer. The effort necessary (in most cases) to dis cover consequently investigate instances of WCC are outlying(prenominal) greater than most traditional crimes.Among the many difficulties in studying WCC, is the most basic question What exactly is white collar crime? WCC can include such a wide spectrum of actions and activities, encompassing different people, businesses, and physical areas that it is very difficult to define and uncover. Scholars studying WCC may choose to focus on one single aspect much like they would in a conventional crime i.e. homicide investigator, vice, etc This approach can lead to sloppiness and difficulty when attempting to study WCC.Another challenge in studying WCC is the access to research subjects, statistics, and support. Companies will likely be hesitant to allow a research project to be carried out on their company, unless the researcher can show them that it specifically benefits them and their constitution. Statistics on WCC are difficult to come by because as Friedrichs (2007) stated there is no real white collar crime equivalent to uniform crime report data, which exist for conventional crime (p. 33). Researchers must obtain data from a number of sources and agencies then group it so the data can be studied. Finally, it will likely be difficult for a researcher to obtain support from their organization to conduct the WCC research. Large corporate structures and bureaucracies will likely feel that the study will hit too close to home and have some uneasiness when their support is requested (Friedrichs, 2007). Many of these groups are hesitant to get their support because they feel the researcher will bend the data collect to support their own preconceived notion and bias.The experiment, a method of illustrative a positivistic or scientific approach, has to date seldom been used in the study of white collar crime (Friedrichs, 2007 p. 36). The classical experiments of scene specific variables vs. a control group do not necessarily apply when studying white collar cr ime. Experiments of free will and the effects of pressure from superiors or authority figures on a person or group in controlling their actions may have some profit in studying WCC.Critically evaluate the traditional, common claim that the general public perceives white collar crime to be less salutary than conventional crime. What specific methodological questions can be raised about research on this question? Which specific factors have contributed to a harvest-festival in the perception that white collar crime is relatively in effect(p)?I feel that historically the general public at large views white collar crime as less serious because it is not as in your face as conventional crime. People have a fear of being robbed, assaulted, raped, or their children being kidnapped because these crimes are something tangible, they can see, feel, and be scared of. Most people do not invoke up in the morning or walk down the roadway thinking God please dont let a bad man manipulate his companys finances so they appear to have made billions more than they actually did. Most people do not think about the hidden harmful effects that respectable and powerful people can have on them and their lives.I do feel that the current world is that white collar crime is as serious and can overthrow as much if not more damage to all of us than conventional criminal activity. Each of us in our everyday lives feels the harmful effects of WCC, although many of us do not even realize we are suffering the results of these crimes. The impact of these crime are everywhere and they affect each of us, this reality is being felt now, perhaps more so than any time in our recent history. WCC has resulted in higher damages premiums, extra money spent on security in the financial sector, bank fees, lost jobs, companies going bankrupt, higher prices of goods and services, etcOver the years people have come to better understand the direct effects that all aspects of white collar crime have o n them and their loved ones. Peoples lives can be turned upside down simply by a man in a shirt and tie taking a bribe then putting a check in a box to say a product is safe, when in reality it is not. I am 28 years old, in my vivificationtime I have seen numerous stories about recalls of defective or potentially dangerous products ranging from toys, cars, supplements, clothes, to race detergent. Many of these recalls are the results of people ignoring simple safety inspections and reports. Bernie Madoff stole billions of dollars from investors who apprehension they were investing with a respectable business man. Enron overstated their companies worth by more than $1.5 billion. They ultimately went bankrupt with many of their executives in prison and thousands of employees and investors losing their life savings (Net Industries, 2010). Cases such as these are prime examples of why the American public now view white collar crime as serious if not more so than conventional crime.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Mirror Mirror On The Wall Theology Religion Essay
Mirror Mirror On The W apiece(prenominal)(prenominal) Theology Religion EssayThis lovely phrase reminds us the enchanting bill of Snow W ravishere and the Seven Dwarfs where the wicked pantywaist peeps into a put-on mirror and asks about(predicate) her undoubted fairness in the integral world. As an innocent child I was deeply inspired by the fairytale as the world of fantasy appealed me. I would often advance my mother to buy me a witching(prenominal) mirror from the market persuasion it to be easily available. My mother would laugh at my innocence and explained me that such(prenominal) charming mirror exists lone(prenominal) in stories and fairytales and not in the hearty world.As time flew by, the thoughts of magical mirrors began to fade a dash from my mind and with eon and maturity, I began to experience highs and lows of life. Sometimes there were colors of gratification and rapture and sometimes sorrow and misery. When both problem became aggravated, I bega n to consult astrologists who beatified the adverse situation on the bad influence of the planetary positions. They would decl ar oneself me to wear rings and talismans of extraordinary and semi- precious stones to ward of the crime cause of the sun, the moon and other planets in our solar system. How do these rings and amulets shape? Are they magical still akin the magical mirrors in fairytales. again my mind raced back to my childhood and once again a plethora of questions lay atomic number 82ing at me.All these little anecdotes contract ii things in common and that is magic and miracle. Is there anything c tot eitheryed magical mirror where you stand peep into your past, present or future? Do the planetary positions of our solar system affect hu man form positivisticly and adversely?If my suffice is positive, you may c totally me crazy and brand me superstitious as ultramodern science do not believe in the spectral force plays of the universe. simply you dri ve to give me one chance to prove myself right and for this I have to narrate the life story of a strange man who was a distinguished alchemist, physician, astrologer, magician, philosopher and so on. His life story is simple scarcely his unique ways of practicing occult science, magic, alchemy, medica custodyt, astrology, cosmology and pneumatology was simply incredible and each trait unavoidably to be highlighted to give this gravid man arbitrator and recognition.So let us fly on a magical carpet into the world of Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus, nicknamed Paracelsus which simply means in par with Celsus, a Roman Encyclopedist who wrote a lot on medicines. It was Paracelsus who advocated that magical mirrors basin be created, planetary positions prat be a cause of worries and happiness. merely above all this, as a devout Christian he firmly believed in the supremacy of the almighty and once quoted, Everything that happens takes place by means of the go out of the supreme and assent into the things of the earth should be based upon the sacred teachings of Christ.BIRTH AND FAMILY BACKGROUNDWilliam Bombast of Hohenheim was a distinguished physician who was successfully practicing medicine in a hospital near Maria-Einsiedeln, Switzerland. It was here that he fell in love with the matron of the hospital (name is not cognise) and the two interchange wedding vows in the socio-economic class 1492. Their marri grow soon blossomed and the couple was stir with a bonny baby boy on the 17th of celestial latitude 1493 in the vicinity of Maria-Einsiedeln, Switzerland.Williams happiness knew no bounds and he named his precious bundle of felicity as, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus. But their joy was short lodged as tragedy infatuated the Bombast family when infantile Theophrastus lost the warmth and affection of his mother who discontinue after(prenominal) a brief illness. William was deva carryd by the loss of his beloved wife except soon gather cou rage and began to pull the strings of his life. His sole objective was to nurture his young son and to fill his life with joy and happiness. Young Theophrastus was the apple of Williams eye and both experiences not only began to rotate each other merely also completing each other. hale FOUNDATION KEY TO succeederNot much is kn deliver about the primary and secondary education existent by Paracelsus so we have to move to his adolescence age. As Paracelsus entered into his youth, he received valuable coaching in science from his father who tutored him with the fundamentals of alchemy, surgery and medicine. His father was not only his teacher scarce also his mentor, guide and best(p) friend. This golden kind betwixt the father and the son laid a punishing earthing which later on became the key to Paracelsus success in the field of medicine.Paracelsus to a fault did not disappoint his father and picked up the nuances of science with much ease. William was mobile to inter pret that his son had the required potential to become a great physician and trenchant to im ramify him formal education. He was soon enrolled in a convent of St. Andrew located in the beautiful valley of Savon, Switzerland and under the inspection of learned bishops, Eber tightt Baumgartner, Mathias Schedydt of Rottgach and Mathias Schacht of Freisingen acquired valuable knowledge on medicine and surgery.At the young age of sixteen, Paracelsus was enrolled at the University of Basel, where he received instruction from the famous Johann Trithemius of Spanheim who was a reign in alchemy, magic and astrology. It was under Trithemius shadow that Paracelsus developed c been towards occult science. Trithemius was impressed by Paracelsus love for occult science and say him to gain entry into the laboratory of Sigismund Fugger of Tyrol, who was not only a illustrious alchemist but also delivered valuable secrets of occult science.Exactly how recollective Paracelsus stu glide byd al chemy, astrology and occult science under Sigismund Fugger is not known and so we move on to the next chapter of Paracelsus life.LIFE OF A sickAfter his formal education under the supervision of learned bishops, Paracelsus decided to go on a global spree. He travelled wide to destinations resembling Germany, France, Netherland, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. When he reached Italy, he received an opportunity to serve the royal Army and experienced many war give care situations. This period of globe- trotting can be called as the turning point of his life as he came crosswise many physicians, surgeons and alchemist who shared similar passion for occult science like Paracelsus.During his stay in Italy, he entered into physical races with several gypsies, fortune-tellers, midwives, barbers and shepherds and although it may weighty vulgar but he did so to gain knowledge from the act. He was always comprise in the company of vagabonds on the highways and at gentleman race lodges and inns due to which he earned a bad name and was criticized by his narrow minded foes.Paracelsus was often criticized for his passion for wandering but his critics did not pretend that travelling was the fundamental tool to acquire knowledge which accord to him cannot be acquired in the comforts of a laboratory or a library. He powerfully believed that knowledge cannot be confined within the boundaries of our own country, it does not follow us but waits for us to go in seek of it. concord to Paracelsus, Those who re master(prenominal) at home may live to a greater extent comfortably, and grow richer than those who wander about but I uncomplete desire to live comfortably, nor do I wish to become rich. He who wants to study the books of genius must wander with his feet over its leaves. Paracelsus recomm stop that every part of the world signifies a single page in the book of olcircumstanceion and all the pages taken collectively formed the book that reveals its richness and abu ndance.PARACELSUS- A MIRACLE MANParacelsus travelled extensively for a period of ten years, sometimes practicing his talents as a physician, or magician or an alchemist. At the age of thirty-two, he reoff to Germany where acquired fame as a man with miraculous cures.He had surpassed all his colleagues with his superior medical skills and was termed as Dr. Miracle by the masses. Many patients that had been termed as incurable by other renowned doctors turned to Paracelsus for treatment and had been cured. Among the many patients were xviii princes who were pronounced to be incurable by leading doctors.But what make Paracelsus different from others? Why were his medical skills considered to be superior than his colleagues? Did he possess some super inborn powers to cure the incurables or did he adopt a different strategy for treatment? To answer these questions, we have to analyze his skills of that of a physician, magician, astrologer and alchemist in detail. But first, we have to understand in understanding Paracelsuss views and explanations on the cosmic structure as a whole, mankind and the philosophy of holy designs. It is rather difficult but not impossible to confirm a perfect understanding for our readers, unless they use their own intuition, and get into the head and skin of Paracelsus.STUDY OF THE COSMIC STRUCTURE- COSMOLOGY concord to Paracelsus, the entire gayity is created by God and we are his children. His view is inspired from the prayer in bible, In the name of our father and our sons and the holy spirit, Amen. God is the Constructor of the world, wreak of the universe and the Sculptor of all forms. God created man from four spunk elements, to wit Air, Water, Fire and Earth. To bring him to life, he added spirit into them. Thus spirit is animate and life is spirit which unite together to produce all things.Nature is that part of the universe which is created by God to essentially go forth us a cushion to breathe easy. Thus all liv ing reed organism in nature have to sympathize and live in congruity with each other. Paracelsus termed all the living products of the constellation as man and man as Microcosm, both with one breath, one time, one reaping and above all one authority. Man is dependent on nature for its very survival and nature is dependent on the disk operating system of mankind. fit to Paracelsus, that part of science which can describe the principles governing the Macrocosm and Microcosm and the relationship between them is termed as Astronomia.Paracelsus termed a part of astronomia as magic, wherein he states that magic is a science used to discover the ideal relation or connection of the soul to our physical body just like the way the sun shines finished a glass. Further he explained that each organ of our body is in concordance with other split. For example, there exist harmony between the heart and the lungs and between the stomach and the brain. He also constituted a connection betwe en the stars and the plants and between plants and human body. Just like a magnetized bar of iron may produce magnetised transactions on the other part of iron, leaving copper and governance unaffected, same way some medicinal plants may act as remedies to cure certain diseases.VIEWS ON MANKIND AND THE HOLY SPIRITParacelsus strongly believed that the constitution of man is based on 7 principles which are stated below.The Physical or the elementary body, i.e. Stool Sharira.The Mumia or the lively force, i.e. Jiva.The stellar body or the Sidereal Body, i.e. Linga Sharira.The Animal Soul or the Kama Rupa.The adult male or Rational Soul, i.e. Karana Sharira Manas.The Spiritual Soul, i.e. Buddhi.The Spirit or the Divine Atma.He has given a very comprehensive explanation regarding all the seven-spot principles constituting a man in his work called, Philosophia Sagax. But the principle which call for to be mentioned here and which every human being is afraid is the dying of a man . According to him, death is nix but the end of the mundane labour of man. Being a devout Christian, he strongly believed that every human being possesses the elements of earth and earth is his mother. When he dies, he re-enters in to her and loses its flesh. And perhaps referring to Christ he says, Only the real man go out be re-born at the day of the resurrection into another phantasmal and glorified body.According to Paracelsus, after death, the physical body decomposes into dust but a vital part of the principle which comprises the highest essence of life passes into a higher state called, Olympus Novvs, where they unite with their origin, the Mysterium Magnum, the essence of life or the Parabrahman (mentioned in the Vedas of Hindu Scriptures) Paracelsus cautions that this fatality is met by people who die a natural death but not for those who die prematurely either due to accidents or suicides. In such cases, the invisible residues of the human body remains in the state ti ll death would have arrived naturally and agree to the laws of nature. They remain in the earths sphere and are full of earthy passions and desires. Paracelsus calls them Caballi Lemures and they often lurk in places where they have spent or resided during their lifetime.People often believe that such animate cannot be destroyed by sprinkling holy water supply or by burning incense and even arranging unearthly ceremonies for the purpose. According to Paracelsus all these have no effect on the spirit and the best way to keep immoral spirits away is positive provide power. If we stand by inviolable and love the source of good we leave behind never succumb to the evil powers of the force. If however evil spirits causes severe depression to you whence Paracelsus recommends wearing of red corals to ward dark melancholy as they are stimulated by Sun. A salubrious mind is like a temple which cannot be invaded without the will of its priest. Minds that are pure and illuminated by the force of truth cannot be have by evil spirits.PARACELSUS- A MEDICAL GENIUSAccording to Paracelsus every vital organ in the human body is in unselfishness with certain principles in the universe. The heart is influenced by elements of the sun, the brain with the moon, the gall bladder with planet Mars, the lungs with Mercury, the liver with Jupiter, the kidneys with Venus and the spleen with Saturn. Accordingly, there are dissimilar plants and herbaceous plants which have a corresponding sympathy with these star(p) influences. Each herb or plant has to be plucked when the planet to which it is related rules the instant and its substance or the essence should be absorbed when it is fresh. Paracelsus has categorized each planet in conjunction with the plants as followsSun- Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavunda officinalis and Melinda Officinalis for the treatment of abrupt inflammation, heart disease and rheumatism.Moon- Thymus majorna, genus Ruta graveolens and Helleborus niger f or the treating patients suffering from insanity, hysteria, and restless diseases.Mercury- Pulmonia officinalis, Althaea officinalis and Plantago laureola for the treatment of Pneumonia and inflammations of Mucous Membrane.Venus- Onosis spinosa, Verbascum Thapsus and Apium genus Petroselinum for curing diseases of kidney and bladder.Mars- Carduus Benedictus, Urticaria diocia, Erythraea Centaurium for fevers, eruptive fevers and diseases of violent nature.Jupiter- Ruta graveolens, Hepatica Nobilis, Cannabis Sativa for curing jaundice and other diseases related to liver.Saturn- genus Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Scrophula Nodosa for the treatment of piles, hypochondria, etc.)Paracelsus criticized other physicians as he ascertained that they did not represent any attention to the planetary positions and killed more patients than they cure as the medicine that may be effective at one time may be harmful at another depending on the prevailing starring(p) influence.Thus Paracelsus pro ved that planetary positions do not directly effect upon the physical body of men but on their essence which constitutes the elements of the universe. In simple words he has repeatedly emphasized that the vital parts of our body are representatives of invisible energy that are circulating in the whole system.PARACELSUS- AN EXTRAORDINARY ALCHEMISTAlchemy is an art that cannot be comprehended without weird knowledge and astrology cannot be silent without proper knowledge of math and logic. Just as chemistry is the study of physical matters, alchemy deals with prima(p) ideologies. Astronomy is the study of planets and stars and astrology deals with influences of these stars on man.Paracelsus defined alchemy as an art in which the fire of nature i.e. the prima(p) light is the main artist. According to him, a human being is composed of trio elements namely Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. A person is healthy if these three elements maintain their semblance with respect to their quantity. But the moment any of these elements deviates from its correct proportion, disease strikes the human body. These three elements are not visible to the naked eye but are acted upon the fourth principle which is called Life.Paracelsus was critical of physicians who bring down endless make of medicines without discovering the cause of the disease. Paracelsus has mentioned his valuable secret of alchemy in his work called, Tinctura Physica which is a bible of alchemy.He confirmed that composition of pure metals produces a bubbly effect around us. Paracelsus was of the view that if we create a composition of seven metals in a desired proportion and at the proper time, so we will acquire a metal which will contain the qualities of all the seven metals. Paracelsus termed the metallic mixture as, electrum. The preparation of electrum magicum is quite daunting tax as each metal has to be in its purest form. The metals have to be prepared in its right proportion and during the conjunctio n of various planets at that time.Many astonishing devices can be created from electrum such as amulets, magical finger rings, arm rings, bells and other things containing magical powers. According to Paracelsuss calculations, magical mirrors can be created from the electrum magicum where you can peep into events of the past and the present, see your hidden enemies and large lost friends.PARACELSUS VIEWS ON ASTROLOGYParacelsus was of the view that astrology is closely affiliated with magic, medicine and alchemy. He believed that each body attracts planetary influences when in harmony and repels the others. For this man has to understand his own constitution to comprehend the influence of the astral influence which rules the sky.Paracelsus did not approve of anyone calling him a professional astrologer who simply makes horoscopes. He understood the higher trait of astrology by which the relation of Macrocosm and Microcosm are understood. According to him, No one needs to care for t he course of Saturn it neither shortens nor lengthens the life of anybody.Often we grumble or are envious of other peoples success and riches and blame it on our stars. But Paracelsus refutes such allegations and strongly emphasizes that stars are free for themselves and force nothing into us. It is actually the spirit of oneself that makes a man more appropriate than the others. At the same time he strongly condemned those ceremonies that attract spirits by saying that, Whatever comes from the spirits is sorcery. According to Paracelsus, our body is created from elements, our soul from the star and the spirit comes from the almighty. Paracelsus refers stars as not merely the physical bodies that exist in our solar system but the principles in the cosmos.The sun and the moon attract something from our body and our body too attracts something from them as each body is in harmony with the astral influences of the heavenly bodies. This is evident from the use of talisman and amulets w hich produces an astral form on the bearer.Man should obey the will of God as wisdom can be acquired from God. If this inner consciousness is awakened then the mysteries of nature will be easily comprehended by phantasmal knowledge.MAGIC VERSUS SORCERYParacelsus has clearly make remarkable demarcation between magic and sorcery. Magic causes illumination, light and is white in form whereas sorcery is concerned with darkness and black in form. Magic is the study of supernatural powers of the nature and an individual must possess complete knowledge of natural science to acquire the skills of magic.Strong complex number power and enormous combine are the two vital ingredients to construct the temple of magic. By imaginary power, Paracelsus refers to creative power of a man. According to Paracelsus, women possess stronger imaginary power because of their compassionate nature and stronger desires as compared to men. This is evident from the fact that if a char loves anyone, she will l ove with all her devotion but if she hates somebody, God hand over him.Strong faith has fantastic powers and we human beings do not progress to it. An evil spirit, like a spear may try hard to pierce our body and cause some disease but if our faith in the supreme power of God is strong, it will act as an armour and protect us. Diseases can be effectively cured if men understood the power of faith and not superstition. The secret behind Paracelsus magical cure was his enormous faith in the power of the God who acts through him. Paracelsus also cautions that those physicians who cure diseases only with a belief that he will be able to overcome it, beliefs in superstition, but physicians who realize that he possess the power to dress and is aware of his power will perform what is called, a miracle.VARIOUS REMEDIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHYICAL AND THEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONSAccording to Paracelsus, strong reasoning power is a prerequisite to be a salutary philosopher and a true theosophist must possess the knowledge to perceive spiritual powers. To obtain spiritual power, we first have to realize what is good and what is evil and without knowing evil we will never be able to realize what is good. The moment we understand what is good, it becomes a reality and we attain the highest degree of happiness as God resides within the spirit of man.Often it happens that we are thinking of a person from a long time and all of a sudden that person calls us. The very first expression is, Oh I was just thinking to call you and see you called. What a coincidence? But according to Paracelsus it is the magical power of will of the person which sends signals to the other person to take him or her.Paracelsus also believed that it is possible for us to communicate with the spirit of the deceased person by keeping his or her picture under our head with a question you wish to ask. The answer will be interpreted in our powerful dreams. But this experiment should only be initiated if you h ave resolute and enormous faith in the spirit, because it is our faith which will strike conversation with the spirit.According to Paracelsus, Man belongs to two spirits- Animal Spirit or gentleman Spirit. A person who belongs to animal spirit will behave and live like animal during his life and will be animal after he dies, but a man with human spirit will always remain human.Another important aspect of Paracelsus theological work was his study of medicinal herbs which serves as an Elixir of Life. In the mythological story of Ramayana, Lord Rams brother Laxman, who was seriously wounded in the battle with Ravan, top executive of Lanka, was saved by a medicinal herb called Sanjivani Booty, the Life Elixir, prescribed by sage Agastya. Paracelsus believed that a person who has taken birth has to die but there is nothing wrong in protecting himself from evil astral influences, accidents, epidemics and old age. Paracelsus strongly recommended, a remedy called Primum Ens for prolongi ng the age of human being. The Primum Ens Melissae is prepared by a unique concoction of pure carbonate of potash, a plant called Melissa and alcohol.Finally one of the most incommunicative and valuable remedy which Paracelsus discovered was, Zenexton, a unique tablet made by grinding live toads, roots of certain medicinal herbs, pearls, coral, saffron, musk and gold and many other elements. When the mixture dries up it has be to cut in to tablets when the moon is in the sign of Scorpion. The tablet has to be draped in a red silk cloth and to be worn as an amulet around the neck to ward off evil astral influences, diseases, embitter and black magic.Thus from the above, we have discovered the secret of Paracelsus success in the field of medicine, surgery, magic, alchemy and occult science. But as Paracelsus rose to fame he was subject to professional envy as other physicians lagged the intelligence and prediction of Paracelsus. He was also kind enough to treat the poor without an y charging any fees, an act which was met with muchresentment among his colleagues. But what an irony, many a times his noble act was not acknowledged and was often ridiculed. once a rich wealthy, Count Philippus of Baden, who was termed as incurable by celebrate physicians, Paracelsus cured him in short time. But instead of being rewarded for his generosity, he was shown the door. This only gave his oppositions an opportunity to rejoice but that did not discourage Paracelsus as he act to perform his wonderful cures.PROFESSOR OF MEDICINEAs Paracelsus enjoyed travelling a lot, he visited Basel in the year 1527 and was appointed as Professor of Medicine and Surgery by the City Council for which he received handsome salary. Unlike his colleagues who merely lectured on works written by other medical healers like Hippocrates and Avicenna, Paracelsus designed his own course material. The principles he imparted his students were of his own and hence his popularity among them increased. Also he gave lecture in German instead of Latin which again was not favoured by his colleagues.As a part of the Office of the City Council, he voluntarily offered his services to pull off the conduct of the Compounders, whether they are aware of their business and whether they have stock of genuine drugs to prevent them from inflating the prices of essential drugs. He would often admonish other physicians to haul digging gold and instead pay attention in the search of new medicines.FAME ATTRACTS ENVYNo sooner a person gains fame and popularity, his bring up of foes grow endlessly. The City druggist began to hate Paracelsus for his measures to control prices of essential drugs. otherwise physicians and professors too grew jealous of his increasing popularity and success in curing diseases. They all joined together and demanded an explanation from the University for hiring Paracelsuss services. These envious people declared Paracelsus as a stranger, a quack and request the Univer sity to probe whether Paracelsus is a real doctor or not.In order to prevent events from turning worse, Paracelsus resigned from the University and left Basel in the year 1528.From Basel, Paracelsus arrived at Colmar and later on visited Esslingen in the year 1529 and Nuremberg in 1530. In Nuremberg too, physicians called Paracelsus a quack and an imposter. Tired of being taunted a quack on numerous occasions, Paracelsus decided to confront the situation. He requested the City Council to send some patients suffering from incurable diseases. The City Council obligate and sent few patients suffering from elephantiasis which Paracelsus cured successfully in a very short span of time and free of cost. HeSUCCESS MEETS DEATHInspite of achieving success in Nuremberg, Paracelsus efforts and services were drastically ignored. He go along his life as a vagabond wandering from places to places. He visited places like Noerdlingen in the year 1530 followed by Munich, Regensburg, Amber and Mer an. In the year 1531 he visited St. Gall and then to Zurich in the year 1535. All this while, he gathered few disciples who were impressed by Paracelsus cures and desired to acquire his secrets and art of medicines. Among his pursual were Johannes Oprimus, Adam von Bodenstein, Alexander von Suchten, Peter Severinus, Oswald Crall and many others.As he continued with his passion of travelling, he reached Salzburg where the Duke of Ernst of Bavaria requested him to join his court as a physician. Finally, Paraclesus acquired a position where his medical skills were recognized and obtained widespread fame.But percentage was not in favour of Paracelsus. This joyous period of richness and fame ended tragically as Paracelsus succumbed to a mysterious death in a small Inn called, White House on the 24th of family 1541. His remains were buried the next day in the grave of St. Sebastian. in that respect is not much evidence to prove that Paracelsus was indeed murdered. Primary investigations revealed that Paracelsus was hit by a blunt object on his head by some anti-social elements hired by local physicians which eventually led to his death. matchless German physician Dr. S.Th.von Soemmering, who examined the body of Paracelsus, discovered a fracture on the skull believed to be the cause of death.Paracelsus bones were unearthed in the year 1527 and entombed in the chapel service of St. Philippi Neri, in the vicinity of the St.Sebastian where his monument proudly stands today.PARACELSUS RICH bequestParacelsus himself was not an avid reader or a writer, a fact which is corroborated by his disciples and followers. He would only dictate his work to them without utilizing any manuscripts and books. According to him, Reading never made a physician. Medicine is an art and requires practice. some of his work were published during his life time namely, De Gradibus et Compostionibus Receptorum et Naturalium published in the year 1526 and Chirurgia Magna published at Ulm in the year 1536. To display their affection and gratitude to their master Paracelus, his disciples, Gerhard Dorn, and Martin Ruland composed a dictionary called Lexicon Alchemicum which comprises unique terms used by Paracelsus.However Paracelsus was quite discreet when it came to sharing his valuable secrets as he feared it may be go in wrong hands. One of his disciple, Johannes Oprimus who served Paracelsus for three years was upset with Paracelsuss secretive nature and connived with his enemies. However after Paracelsuss death, Oprimus turned remorse and repented for his indiscreet behavior.Paracelsus did not leave behind him material goods but his work which displays his abundant knowledge of medicine. Even when he died, the only things found in his possession were a copy of Bible, a Biblical commentary on Bible and a book written on medicine. expirationParacelsus was among those few who treated patients as his textbook and the sickbed as his course of study. His passion for travelli ng was instrumental in acquiring knowledge and found his best teachers among vagabonds, gypsies, barbers, midwives and executioners. Phenomenas of nature were of more value to him and his love for God an essence for survival. If you have read and understood this biography you will be amazed to discover that Paracelsuss doctrines are based on his study of Bible and bear a striking resemblance to the Vedas.The main reason why Paracelsus principles and work are not implemented today is that his system has not been completely understood by our modern medical practitioners. Hope a time will come when his fundamentals will be understood and a find is achieved in the field of medical science. Till then my dear readers, Be Good to Others, have Faith in God and your Life is Insured.QUOTES BY PARACELSUSMedicine rests upon four pillars-Philosophy, Astronomy, Alchemy and Ethics.But is not He who created it for interest of the sick body more than the remedy? And is not He who cures the soul, w hich is more than the body greater.The interpretation of Dreams is a great art.What sense would it make or what would it make or what would it benefit a physician if he discovered the origin of the diseases but could not cure or alleviat
Friday, March 29, 2019
Role of micro finance in natural disasters
Role of micro finance in native incidentsThe electrical shocks of graphic casualtys are mainly faced by the low community tidy sum in every country. It is very much tough for the s roll in the hayt(p) deal to cope with the impacts of natural contingencys. little-finance has not only generated enormous hope for the inadequate people in umpteen create countries entirely in comparable manner vie a vital character in natural possibilitys affected areas. In this paper, the roles of micro-finance in miti retinal roding the impacts of natural mishaps are illustrated. It has been seen that micro-finance institutions stick proscribed support on pitiable community people prepare for the onslaughts or rehabilitation needs of the mishap victims, show coping mechanism during a disaster hits and how people dirty dog wake of a post natural disaster both at the personal level and generally.Key words Role of Micro-finance, impacts of natural disasters, woeful, support, coping, developing countries.IntroductionOver the years, natural disasters seem to have call on to a greater extent frequent across the world, resulting in enormous human and frugal detrimentes. natural disasters develop m each forms like earthquakes, floods, cyclones, tsunamis, tornados and droughts, which threaten the very existence of the local anaesthetic communities. Further, it has been observed that the effects of natural disasters are more(prenominal) acute in developing countries than in demonstrable ones. infixed disasters have had devastating devastatetr.v. devastated, devastating, devastates1. To lay thieve destroy.2. To overwhelm confound stun was devastated by the rude remark... Click the connection for more information.effects on the worthless. For example, in 1998, Bangladesh experienced the flood of the pennyury. Households undecided to flooding had major crop failure, suffered various water-borne diseases, muddled shelter, pluss and the ability to ha ve-to doe with basic needs. Results show that the burden of medical expenditures due to flood-related indispositiones is signifi domiciliatetly high for poorer households, and for households more exposed to flooding. More positively, econometric results indicate that well-disposed viscidity built on group-based micro-finance programs reserve an informal social insurance that cut offs sickness shocks. The strength of group-based micro-credit in coping with natural disasters is barely to be amply explored. Micro-credit may not be effective in the illustration of a coarse-scale natural disaster that creates a covariate shock. However, even in the case of a large-scale natural disaster (e.g. 1998 flooding), social capital developed with micro-credit programs is sh take to caper a positive role in minify the burden of sickness shocks.Micro-finance is the provision of fiscal serve to low-income clients or solidarity modify groups including consumers and the self-employed, w ho traditionally lack access to banking and related services. At the end of 2009, 1,084 MFIs that were religious service 74 million borrowers ($38 billion in outstanding loans) and 67 million savers ($23 billion in deposits). For example, In Indonesian context, micro-fiscal nest egg and lending institutions support families to ensure consumption against illness shocks. Micro-finance actually athletic supporters the poor and conquerable poor people. So, micro finance cast downs vulnerability and increases coping against socio-economic shocks, including Natural disasters. At the same time, microfinance can provide residue in cypher response to disasters. Thus it is possible to make micro finance tools a part of various(a) disaster relief programs or response.Objective of the prove fortuity mitigation practices needs to be tied up by dint ofout the life cycle of micro-finance tools in order to make poor community people sustainable and minimize non-financial freeinges. As p roficient mentioned, the roles of micro-finance in mitigating the impacts of natural disasters are the purpose of this tuition.This study is inclined(p) based on the pursuance questionsWhat are the roles of micro-finance in mitigating the impacts of natural disasters, coping mechanism during or aft(prenominal) disaster period?What are the main lessons and challenges of micro-finance to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters in poor community?Microfinance and Disaster Mitigation Some Conceptual IssuesThe attri notwithstandinges of microfinance, which are applied in reduction household level risks, are applicable for reducing disaster risks too. Microfinance instruments help poor households diversify their income by blood line and season. They also diversify income by earner as it provides opportunities to women to earn. Multiplicity of income-earning opportunities and asset building through microfinance help poor households in dealing with disasters better. Microfinance als o provides explicit and implicit insurance to the households. There is growing interest and unending experimentation in using microfinance in disaster attention. The role of microfinance and microfinance institutions in disaster situations, however, is to be clearly analyzed here.Microfinance deals with the poor who are vulnerable to various types of risks. The poor are more in all likelihood to be hard-hit hard-hitadj. earnestly or adversely affected Official rescue and convalescence efforts were just getting underway in this ravaged port city and more than a dozen another(prenominal) hard-hit townsR... Click the tie beam for more disasters like drought drought,abnormally pine period of insufficient rainfall. drouth cannot be defined in terms of inches of rainfall or come of days without rain, since it is determined by such variable factors as the scattering in time and area of precipitation during and before.. Click the link for more information., floods, cyclones, and earthquakes. Disasters normally give rise to two kinds of needs, namely relief and rehabilitation. What is required immediately after a disaster is relief to take care of food, shelter, medicine and other immediate needs of the victims. Through its big term impacts of reducing poverty and supporting sustainable development, microfinance reduces the vulnerability of the poor to disasters. Microfinance cannot, however, provide standalone protection against disasters. It must be part of a greater strategy of disaster risk reduction. MFIs must be prepared for disasters by developing disaster management plans that ensure the survival of the MFI and sustainable speech communication of its services. Education on microfinance and disaster mitigation is needed for both self-made poverty reduction and disaster impact reduction. Microfinance must be joined to disaster mitigation, especially during rehabilitation when the links mingled with recovery and homework are clearly evident.MFIs like BRAC, ASA, Grameen Bank, Shakti etc. are on the job(p) to reducing vulnerability during natural disaster by providingClint-responsive loans, housing improvement loans, interlingual rendition of current lending, emergency reconstruction loans etc. They help to so needful savings, voluntary savings, adaptation of forced loans etc. MFIs suggest people for doing amends (best established before disaster). MFIs provide coin transfer services (remittances likely to increase), Grants and donations (for increasing power and building financial discipline), Livelihood relief (no payment) to the poor community people. Microfinance Institutions also provide non-financial services like training, information dissemination, diffusion of supplies etc.In the aftermath of a disaster, microfinance can quickly provide relief, and then support sustainable recovery and rehabilitation. Microfinance institutions can additionally provide post-disaster communication and coordination t hrough their established community networks. Microfinance requires a degree of self-management by clients and is normally community based, thus fostering recovery ownership, dignity and community cohesion during traumatic and unstable times. Microfinance can reduce the detriment of post-disaster recovery financing, while reducing facilitate dependency. At the same time, however, post- disaster aid can distort markets, adversely affecting microfinance performance. Post-disaster activities must be guardedly considered to prevent negative long-term impacts on local markets and MFIs. To best reduce disaster impacts on a community, MFIs should offer a suite of waxy products to adapt to specific needs and situations. Links and/or partnerships with the formal financial sector are needed to enhance liquidity and support institutional and managerial mental ability.IV.Cases (Disaster management of Micro-finance programmes)Flood in Bangladesh (1998) Bangladesh is largely a plane deltaic country formed by the confluence of great river systems of the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna. These river systems annually feed a vast basin about 12 times its own size. Apart from this, hilly regions experiences flash flood after heavy rainfall and due to frequent depressions in the Bay, Bangladesh experiences regular threats of cyclonic storms, often catastrophic. The role of microfinance services in responding to disaster risks was demonstrated first during the 1998 flood. Bangladesh experienced the beat floods in its history from July to September 1998. The damages to standing crops, strain and houses were overwhelming. The income generating activities of coarse landless people were almost suspended. There had been a huge loss of property and human and animal lives during the SIDR attack in 2007 in the coastal areas of Bangladesh, well 4 millions affected, and more than six thousand people died, thousands of livestock perished, and 0.9 million homes full or partia lly damaged. All the MFIs in Bangladesh responded to the peculiar situation of floods and SIDR. During the floods and cyclones, MFI workers even went on boats to ensure that weekly contacts with all members were maintained. Workers carried money with them and provided immediate interest-free consumption loans so that the members would not go hungry. the MFIs allowed the members to withdraw their savings. Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, Proshika, TMSS, CODEC, GUK and mevery other small MFIs despite a very serious financial consequence for their liquidity, opened access to compulsory savings account in an attempt to reduce the precipitous decline many households experienced in their incomes. In non-disaster times, members of these institutions did not have access to these specie unless they had fully repaid any outstanding loans and decided to leave the MFI. BRAC also operated disaster-related deposits, which allowed members to keep their assets safe from loss or damage due to the floods. A number of MFIs such as ASA and others provided voluntary savings facilities to their members. These facilities provided the members more assistance in disasters than compulsory or disaster-related savings with less negative financial consequences for the MFI.Tsunami -Micro Finance in Sri Lanka(2004) The celestial latitude 2004 tsunami is one of the worst natural disasters experienced by Sri Lanka in preserve history. With over 35,000 dead and over 800,000 displaced it is a disaster of a order that the country was ill equipped to deal with. Thirteen of the countrys twenty fivesome districts were affected with the North and East provinces accounting for over two thirds of deaths and nearly 60% of the displaced. Sri Lanka (RADA) estimates that about 150,000 people lost financial backings about 80 per cent of the affected lost their main source of income 90 per cent lost their productive assets including the abodes. There were several issues facing the micro finance sector even p re-tsunami. The micro finance market has been pluralistic with high brainstorm by many different types of institutions, employing a wide range of micro finance models and methods. Bulk of micro credit is funded through Government banks and programmes, through subsidized credit, which is not sustainable. Agro Micro-Finance, BRAC, Arthacharya Foundation were working in Sri Lanka during tsunami. opus these MFIs susceptibility be fulfilling their social mission, they were not charging interest rates that would achieve cost recovery. Capacity building of these institutions was a priority. Agro Micro-Finance was operating in eight districts in Sri Lanka, many of which were affected by the tsunami. Arthacharya Foundation is a national not-for-profit nongovernmental organization functioning in seven districts. This organization is working with a large number of donors in promoting micro enterprises through savings and credit, and also working in health and sanitation. BRAC set up tradin g operations in Sri Lanka for labour post-tsunami rehabilitation activities. BRAC has quickly expanded the outreach as well as loans since establishing operations in Sri Lanka. Within a year of operation the number of clients reached has fey 26,373 making it one of the larger MFIs in Sri Lanka. Well established management practices and systems have enabled the MFI to quickly scale up. Though the initial operations were through grant funds from BRAC and Oxfam NOVIB, BRAC has recently approached commercial banks for loans for expanding its loan portfolio. Pre-tsunami, voluntary savings was offered by four MFIs and compulsory savings by ten MFIs. Overall, thither have been several positive developments due to post-tsunami funding by donors.Lessons and challenges of micro-financeAs we look broadly at micro-finance as an industry, and at specific experiences in the natural disaster context, it is possible to draw several broad lessonsMicrofinance cannot be a financial safety net to an entire affected community, but can play an increasingly constructive role in disaster preparedness and response as it expands its range of products and services. Establishment of long-term relationships between individuals and MFIs allow poor households access to existing MFI products that can help reduce some of the hardships caused by natural disasters. Preparedness of the MFIs staff and systems is the key to providing timely response to clients. Timing of MFI services matters to clients emergency loans must be lendable quickly after disaster strikes, while reconstruction support is multipurpose once the household has fully passed the emergency stage.Along with these broad lessons, thither are also clear bottlenecks that limit the role MFIs currently play in natural disaster response and mitigationMost MFIs do not have the liquidity position (or access to a Disaster Loan Fund) to respond quickly or fully in a disaster context. MFIs-from management, to field staff, to reserves, to information and communication systems-are not currently prepared to either weather or respond to a natural disaster situation. MFIs have not considered client needs from an emergency perspective kinda products and services are primarily geared to day-to-day business or household concerns. Demand for special services may be small, yet may require significant institutional investment. Therefore, individual MFIs are marvelous to invest in developing or maintaining these services. Regulatory restrictions and limits to institutional capacity will keep most MFIs from mobilizing voluntary savings for the foreseeable future.Findings of the studyAlthough the concept of using microfinance for disaster mitigation is a novel idea, the relevance of microfinance under disaster conditions especially for the poor is yet to be fully established. Microfinance even under normal circumstances faces quite a hardly a(prenominal) limitations in bringing about improvement in livelihood. While microfi nance can ensure livelihood protection by reducing various shocks and vulnerability, it cannot entice to livelihood promotion unless it is accompanied by other equally grand measures like training, market linkages and technology development. As micro-finance institutions involved in livelihood restoration interventions, they are aimed at establishing funds that could be used in normal situations and during times of disaster. Their main aim during normal times was disaster preparedness. By taking up various activities aimed at disaster preparedness, they secured livelihoods and resources, meliorate the lives of the communities, made them less vulnerable and better equipped to face disaster. In case of an emergency, the projects assisted the communities in mitigating mitigatev. mitigated, mitigating, moderate (a quality or condition) in force or intensity alleviate. See Synonyms at relieve.v.intr.To become milder... Click the link for more information.the effects t hrough loans reserved for the purpose. insurance could be a useful instrument of risk mitigation for the poor especially under disaster situation Micro-insurance can take up under MFIs to provide protection to the women against loss of life, accidents, prolonged prolongtr.v. prolonged, prolonging, prolongs1. To lengthen in date protract.2. To lengthen in extent... Click the link for more information.illness and hospitalization, and damage or destruction of houses and household assets. Thus, both during normal and disaster times, the MFIs funds were used mainly through loans. The core objective of the MFIs is to reach out to the most vulnerable among the target groups. As observed in the study, the members would like to depend upon MFIs for their social, economic and emotional security. For protection and improvement of their livelihood, they need diverse financial services. Many of them would like to take up income generating activities to strengthen their economic base. Moreover, no significant attempt is made by these interventions to adopt an integrated approach required for improving the livelihood of the disaster-affected households. Given the fact that the members of the poor households in the study area are faced with many social and economic constraints like illiteracy, severe caste and gender discrimination, and landlessness, mere existence of microfinance may not help them in bringing about any significant improvement in the livelihood.VI. MethodologyThe study mainly uses unessential sources. Secondary data on Flood in Bangladesh (1998) was colleted from Bangladesh Country discipline by Sirajul Islam (INAFI Asia Bangladesh) and Tsunami Micro Finance in Sri Lanka (2004) was collect from Review of Post-Tsunami Micro Finance in Sri Lanka by Girija Srinivasan. Moreover, I have taken help from different websites and books.VII. ConclusionReducing the Poors vulnerabilities to disasters and emergency situations is the role of micro-finance in disaste r risk mitigation. It can immediately relieve financial burdens caused by the on set of calamities, especially if savings and micro-insurance is included in the package of services. It can further support consequent initiatives for sustainable disaster recovery and rehabilitation. Since, MFI is nonpublic in nature it has great potential to provide financial and non-financial services in all stages-relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and development.However, micro-finance services alone cannot immediately construe into a stand-alone winnerful disaster recovery enterprise but needs to form part of an over-arching disaster risk mitigation strategy. The success of the microfinance industry in various disasters is indicative of future accomplishments in exploiting microfinance for pre- and post-disaster mechanisms. While micro-finance can be an entry- get for the delivery of sustained services in disaster situation, it still needs the prompt provision of services from the government , like adroitness of damaged infrastructure and other rehabilitation interventions and active participation of other civil society groups for training, counseling and organizing. A more thorough concord of microfinance and disaster mitigation is needed for poverty reduction and disaster impact reduction. Finally, it can be said that micro-finance institutions can be an entry point or a point of convergence of poverty alleviation and disaster mitigation programs.
The symbolism of rain in literature
The symbolism of pelting in writingsIt has been seen that almost all authors theatrical role symbol within their naturalises of literature in order to deplumate the attention of their readers. U smatter such(prenominal) symbolic concept it helps the poets in creating a secondary centre. It similarly helps in connecting the gaps. Symbols need a c atomic number 18ful synopsis magical spell in some circumstance it is quite befool. Water th course of study by be seen in me precise forms in literature including wet system fall, lakes, rivers, streams, or rain. The meaning of irrigate symbol in literature put forward be interpreted in many manners. The most obvious are look, being born, purity, cleansing, or the washing away of sins. Water is very important to life and crop and it mainly appears as a birth and renascence symbol. It is used in the baptism service which solemnizes ghostly births. evenn the appearance of rain in the work of literature it suggests a spiritua l birth.April is the cruellest month for the denizens of the modernistic wastefulness, for it signifies rebirth and they take winter or spiritual death, for rebirth implies some efforts on their system and any spiritual effort is hateful to them. The spring rain brings late life to the landscape tho all it manages to do is stirring/ alter roots. It suggests that nonhing new leave alone grow reveal of the symbolic wasteland. by means of a protagonist named Tiresias, Eliot gives his impressions most the modern lot. Tiresias has accrue across a German princess. She is fond of travel. She is an example of a rootless modern psyche. She has no connection with her family, community and nation. She is a kind of international globetrotter, fond of the corporeal comforts of life. Eliot considers such ties necessary for culture, for real life- spiritual and moral. The modern humanity, standardised German princess, lives entirely on the physical plane, and is entirely forgetfu l of ghostly and moral values. In winter, as they go through Munich they are overtaken by a shower of rain. They do not realize the purifying office staff of rain unless rather seek shelter from it, as she is unk instantaneouslyledgeable of its purifying and fertilizing significance.Shellys rime asperse has treated rain in totally different manner. Rain which semens from cloud and it is supplied to the soil so that it regernate. Cloud become a gardener through rain it brings peeing to thirsty flowers as well as to the birds through the dew on the buds. It helps in reap the crops. Here rain is very significant while in the Eliots Wasteland people are unaware to the fertilizing strength of rain. They try to except themselves with the showers of rain.In this lines the protagonist, Tiresias, then surveys the panorama of modern civilization and finds it spiritually spare and dead. The stones, dead trees, dry stones without any sound of urine system, all symbolize spiritual desolation. In the book 4 Paradise Lost by Milton Eve tells Adam roughly her first awakening and how she wondered when she come to know about her who she is and from where she came to life. She sees her image in to the lake through which she discovers her egotism as well as excessively aware that she is relative to Adam. Through the voice which she hears she come to know that she is the aim of the human race. Here Eve recognition loo poove in to the water symbolizes that Eve consciousness about her existence, the awareness of being born. We notice that when Tiresias surveys he finds nothing. But when Eve sees her image into the water she comes to know about her existence.The tarot card Pack of 78 cards, skipperly used in Egypt to foretell the jumper cable of the Nile irrigate, and the return of fertility. But now the function of the pack has degenerated. It is used exactly for fake probability telling, an illegal activity. The Madame Sosostris is telling the fortunes of s ome client, who might be the protagonist himself. The drowned phoenician sailor is the symbol of the fertility god whose effigy was thrown into the river to symbolize the death of the summer. The drowned Phoenician sailor is related to the position myth of the Fisher King, whose wound causes the land to stop impregnate or regenerate. In this case he might re face up the terrible verify that has fall over Europe in the 20th century.The warning precaution death by water suggest that you need to avoid decease like the Phoenician sailor but it also true that fortune tellers are full of tricks you need to remember there is other way to die by water. So this warning refers to the spiritual drought which has fallen on the wasteland. In the poem of William Wordsworth The Prelude he describes water in the form of a lake, remembering a m when he was a newborn boy here it symbolize freedom and entrapment. Wordsworth recalls his sentence when he was a curious boy. In order to take a im pel he borrows the boat of a shepherd one night. However, when he starts to row out into the lake he believes that he sees a cliff in the quad rise up in front of him, which petrifies him. Before this incident lake is depict as a shining clear among the hoary mountains. A young boy slips his oars in the lake.The water seems peaceful and serene, begging to be rowed upon. Wordsworth enables to conquer his desire to take the boat out for a ride. When Wordsworth witnesses the supernatural gist into the lake he finds this place is no longer safe but rather fearful and wretched. His pleasurable ride becomes a panic stricken and he tries herculean to make it back to land. The lake still peaceful and quite but a change has come in the attitude of Wordsworth. He tries to consort the water. The lake and ocean symbolize both freedom and entrapment. Wordsworth cannot row fast decent to escape the one peaceful lake. In the cases of both poem water is giving a kind of horrid experience. In one poem they are warning to fear from death by water while in other water is very calm and it is begging to be rowed upon by Wordsworth. But while rowing poet is full of fear which he experiences in the expedition on the lake.The lady asks the lover whether he knows anything, whether he sees anything, whether he remembers anything. The reply of the lover is that he remembers one line which is a quotation from Shakespeares The Tempest. This line is those are pearls, that were his eyes, this line is reproduced mechanically by the lover. It has no spiritual significance for him. It does not give an idea of the variety of man through death to something higher and nobler. This lines is taken from the William Shakespeare The Tempest,it refers to a person who drowned and has been underwater so long, his eyes has turned into pearls. It reminds the warning to avoid dying by water. Turning of eye symbolizes how the modern souls hold in become hard and lifeless.The hot water at ten.And i f it rains, a closed car at four.And we shall play a game of chess,Pressing lidless eyes and postponement for a knock upon the door. (Eliot 134-137)It is a brief summary of the dull, meaningless routine of life in the wasteland. Waiting for some excitement, for something to happen, this go out enliven for a moment the dull routine of their life. While in the poetry of magic trick Donne we see how a poet is very sad when he has to leave his beloved. He shows much concern for his beloved. In the poem A valediction of flagging by John Donne image of water is shown with the use of tear. In the stem of the poem when he is departing from his beloved he does not embrace her earlier going. or else of it he finds his beloved construction in his tears. Their separation cannot separate them it is undeniable separation. Next he takes tears of his beloved both reaping and emblem. It is fruit of his pain because which he is enduring in his present time while it is an emblem of his futur e grief because he will be away. Further he says that as his tears falls his reflection will also fall. He and she will become nothing. When her reflection falls thus she vanishes as he departs for his sea voyage. Then the tears of the lovers are endlessly generative and endlessly decay. When we both cry our eyes will fill with tears, and we wont be able to see each(prenominal) other anymore. It has been noticed that people of wasteland is also waiting for any kind amusement in their dull routine of life whereas in Donne poetry instead of waiting he is departing leaving behind his beloved. If it rain symbolizes that waiting for spiritual birth or reborn while fade of reflection in tears symbolizes to lose spirituality.The section The Fire language opens with Tiresias surveying the Thames panorama in the autumn. The leaves have fallen down and the wind uncontaminating upons without any rustle. The Thames is deserted. In the summer, it had been the haunt of nameless ladies in search of brief entertainment, and the rich sons of business directors equally in need of pleasure. After having their lash out of pleasure, they have all left. The river is strewn all over with empty bottles, cigarette cases, papers, handkerchiefs, etc, the reminders of the belly laugh of pleasure on its banks. The protagonist mourns the pollution of the river water. As he sits on its banks fishing in the dull canalise near the gas house, a c old wind blows. It brings to him the sound of the senseless laughter of London crowds who move about rattling like dried bones. Memories crowd in upon him, and he is reminded of bonnnivard in the prison of c moundon in Byrons famous poem, lamenting the tone ending of freedom on the banks of lakes leman or the captive jews in the bible crying by the river Babylon. Since he is the spokesman of humanity, one who has suffered all, one whose memories go to the remote past, the scene also reminds him of the brother of the fisherman king, fish ing for the regeneration of his brother and of Ferdinand, tribulation the death of his father, the king.In the past water and fishing were the symbol of regeneration and transformation but today they have lost their spiritual significance. The poet now refers to another scene fishing near the river. The poet tries to fish in the canal behind the gas house, where a rat creep near him. Instead of finding a fish, he comes across an ugly rat. This reminds him of the story of Ferdinand where the king was exiled by his brother who usurped his throne. The real king may be compared to a fish while the usurping king may be compared to a rat. immediately the scene of the river bank is very depressing. White naked bodies can be seen on the buildings of the bank. They are disturbed by the rats to be found on the bank.Today the roads along the bank are full of aim cars the hooting of the horns is a signal for Mrs. door guard to meet her lover Sweeney. The face of Mrs. Porter shines under the moon-light. She is accompanied by her daughter. They wash their feet not in the river water but in soda water. They are doing so not for their self purification but to make their flesh fairer to attract males. We find such is the degeneracy in the modern wasteland. If we read the poetry glide by D.H Lawrence we find water is essential for topeing purpose without it nobody can think of leave. Everyone in the past or in the present endlessly talks about the preserving of water but in the modern wasteland it is used for making their skin fairer. They are wasting water. People do not bother about its purification.A snake came to my water-trough on a hot, hot day, I in pyjamas for the heat, to drink there. (Lawrence, 1) In the beginning lines of DH Lawrence poem, the water symbolizes as a drinking water. As we know that when water come into the mouth of snake it transforms in a poison. A snake comes to water trough in order to drink water. The poet finds himself in a queu in which he has second number before him a snake which come as guest. The poet watches the yellow brown soft bellied snake at his water trough. It is drinking softly through its gums silently. While the poet is watching the snake drinking water snake lifts his head and looks at the poet vaguely, flickers his two duple tongue from his lips, take pause a moment and then drink a little more.With the sound of symphony in his ears, Tiresias goes along the mountain chain and queen Victoria Street, and flip overes the lower end of Thames Street. This is the part of the city where the woeful live. There he hears, coming out of a tavern, the sweet music of a mandolin, and the chanter of fishermen and sailors who are resting in the tavern. There stands the church of St. Magus Martyr, the upcountry decoration of which is highly praised by Eliot. However, this haunt of the poor is also not pure from sexual perversion and sin as is brought out by the songs of the three Thames daughters, i.e., these po or girls living on the banks of the river. First the three sing together and then separately. They bemoan the polluting of river water symbolized by the oozing out of oil and tar. The river which is river Thames, sweating oil and tar, symbolizes the modern commercial pollution of the waters of the river.In Mattew Arnold poem Dover Beach, he is obsessed with water. It is constantly referred passim the poem. Water symbolism has been treated like a sadness, misery and tears. It is clear to the very outset of the poem when he says the sea is calm the lunar time period is full the straits of Dover look bright in the light of the moon the cliffs loom large in the bay the sand seems exsanguine because of moonlight. The poet draws the attention of his beloved to the sound of waves which alternatively advance and withdraw, carrying away pebbles from the coast each time they withdraw and throwing them up against the beach each time they advance. The poet finds a note of sadness in this sou nd. He recalls that of the Greek playwright Sophocles also interpreted the sound of sea waves as sad. Sophocles, on consultation it, was reminded of tragedy of human life.The poet then points out that once upon a time the sea of religious faith was full, but now doubt and agnosticism have combined to throw back the waves of faith from the human beings, leaving the world sodding(a) and cheerless. He means that religion has lost its hold upon the minds of people who have now become s keptical. The world has now become barren and men live in the darkness of ignorance, carrying on aimless struggle. The sea is everywhere in the poem Dover beach. It shows in different places and in different forms, but we feel its power all over the place.In the section Death by water we see symbol in title. Water is the traditional symbol of purification and regeneration, but in the modern land of desolation it has lost its functions and has become a source of destruction. This is so because man has become beastly, given to the pursuit of wealth and sensuous pleasures. It is very similar to the poetry of The River by A.K Ramanujan. He is not praising river like the other poet mostly do instead of it he shows the deluge which kills the indweller of the villagers like one enceinte women, Gopi and Brinda etc. The poet much concerns about the handicap which the gormandise annually does to the people. The phoenician sailor phlebas was young, tall and handsome, but he was drowned because his life was a sordid round of business activity and pleasure without any spiritual motivation. He was caught in a whirlpool and passed the versatile stages of his age and youth. The reference is to the ritual immersion of the effigy of the vegetation god, orisis, who was so-called to pass the various stages of life in the reverse order. He is old when he is immersed in water, he is young as rises and falls on the waves, then a boy, and is finally reborn. But there is no rebirth for the Phoeni cian sailor or modern humanity because of their moral degradation. The better lies in their being guided by moral and spiritual principles. At present they turn the wheel of life themselves, i.e, lead a life uncontrolled by spiritual considerations. Complete secularization and rejection of the supernal is at the root of the contemporary decay and disintegration. The influence of symbols in Indian literature also A.K Ramanujan is a very famous poet of modern era. He has compose a poem A River in which he has discussed about the flowage which destroys everything. Through the symbol of river he describes about the havoc which is spread by flood. Here, in this poem water is a symbol of disaster and destruction. Madurai is a city of temples and poets. The poets living in this city write poems about cities and temples. Their poems also contain accounts of how every summer a river flowing through Madurai is decreased to a narrow stream and how soon afterwards, it is flooded with the wa ter of rains. When it is decreased to a narrow stream, its water cannot pass through the Watergates because of the piles of pale yellow and womens hair which obstruct its flow. The bridges over the river are pronounced with many patches of repair. Those stones of the bridges, which become wet, begin glisten, while the dry stones retain their original dull colour.The poets merely write poems about the floods in this river. A visitor once happened to spend one day in Madurai when a flood in the river was imminent. He heard people everywhere talking about the level of the water go quickly. The people talked about the water rising over the steps leading to the river, and the water rising on the washup places. He also heard people talking about the flood waters sweeping away three village homes, one pregnant woman, and a couple of cows, almost every year. Sailors himself cannot save from drowning in to the water as same to the villagers of Madurai. Both the poets at some extent have similar thought in order to show the destructive power of water.Last section what the thunder saidHere is no water, but only rock, the reference is to the journey of sir Percival or Parsifal, the quester, to the kingdom of the fisher king in search of the holy grail. The knight and his followers reach the mountain on the top of which is the chapel perilous in which is kept the lost grail. There have been no rains for a long time, and it is a scene of desolation and barrenness which meets their eyes. There is no water at all and the rocks are cracked. There are gaps as in the in the mouth of an old man. There is not even silence, for there is the unhappy noise of the wind passing through dried grass, the desert insects render with a jarring sound, and the sound of thunder without rain. As the searchers climb the hill and near the chapel, they have hallucinations. Red ghostly figures seem to look out at them from mud cracked houses and mock and jeer at them. such(prenominal) has bee n the experience of all those who have searched for truth and spiritual salvation. The path of otherworldliness is difficult and those who follow it often have such hallucinations. The repeated cry of water, water brings out vivdly the intensity of the suffering they have to undergo. The poet turns his back on the dead land and sits fishing on the shore of the river, i.e. he makes efforts at his spiritual re-generation.
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